

MoneyTalks Mac

MoneyTalks PC

After downloading your file, a folder will be extracted with             "MoneyTalks" and two versions of RevPlayer. To run the program you must drag the  "SwitchBoard" program onto the 'Player' that has the "R" icon. 


MoneyTalks was the first program I wrote using Runtime Revolution. I wanted to explore the program's ability to import and move images along with audio cues. 

You can add your own images from a camera or the web and set your own prices.  You have the options to have the student 'Make the exact change',  'Make the exact change- using the least amount of coins', and 'Round-Up to the nearest dollar' with or without figuring out their change.

Unfortunately, MoneyTalks was never completed because I had to shift my brain into doing my end-of-year Portfolio review. I believe everything except making change for the 'Rounding up to Dollars'  method. If you do find out what features don't work, please email me with the error. Then again, I doubt most of you won't even get this far reading this.

Please send any comments or Bug reports to